Monday, September 29, 2008

Your Daily Dog Picture (Google App Engine)

My latest piece of work allows users to upload and display self-made dog pictures.

Right now only the latest 10 pictures will be displayed, but a tagging system to access older pictures is already on its way.

Technically, the site has been developed with the Google App Enginge and Python. On upload pictures are automatically rescaled to thumbnail size and are stored in Google Bigtable database along with the original.

All in all the whole site require less than 200 lines of code and about the same amount of HTML. It took me less than two days - including learning Python - to have the site ready and online. This is not because I am a genius, but because the technique is so simple and straight forward. Just great!

Why did I do it? Because I like dog pictures and I - of course - wanted to try out the Google stuff. You get free development and free hosting and there is much more available than I have shown on the dog site.